Petro #367
5915 Monee Rd, Monee, IL 60449
Services Provided
Petro #367 (50)
Newest First
Daryl Caryl
Aug 17, 2023
Paid for trailer wash out, three hours later paid again across the street. Why take payment for a service and then not provid it. Then would not put money back on card
Avias Avias
Aug 16, 2023
Clean = Yes. Staffed = Yes. Restaurant opens late in the morning NOT good, Majority of parking is paid NOT good , few numbers of toilet stall . Its a busy business district i would expect more from petro.
Jul 26, 2023
Got an interview today close to home btw . The store manager seems real an down to earth very polite and professional I like those things in a business an id b happy to work for them
Parking Availability
3 mths ago
3 mths ago
3 mths ago