Pilot #416
2201 E 16th Ave, Cordele, GA 31015
Services Provided
Pilot #416 (50)
Newest First
Scott Kerth
Aug 16, 2023
5/5 just for having paper in the machine to print a receipt at the car gas pump.
Jul 26, 2023
At most locations - Pilot has come a long way in the past few years. Their historic Truck Stop scene has now morphed into a Travel Center motif. Most are very clean, bright and well run. Usually there will be a restaurant, McDonalds, Arby's, Subway or etc located inside. These are becoming great places to stop at wle traveling.
Jason Griffin
Jul 23, 2023
You clowns actually built a truck stop next to a set of active railroad tracks?
Parking Availability
3 mths ago
3 mths ago
3 mths ago